A Bit on the Side

Cover Art for 9781761267406, A Bit on the Side by Virginia Trioli
ISBN: 9781761267406
Publisher: Macmillan Australia
Published: 24 September, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
1 other edition of this product

Virginia Trioli knows that enduring joy is often found not in the big moments but in the small. And as a dedicated, almost obsessive, foodie, she believes that food gives us the perfect metaphor for how to seek, recognise and devour the real flavour of life. When the main course is heavy going or unappetising, the 'bits on the side' make life really delicious. The sweet and the sour; the salty, the bitter - our small, meaningful selections are the ones that make life glorious. A Bit on the Side is an ode to joy, filled with wisdom, stories, memories and recipes, all told with Virginia's renowned insight and wicked sense of humour. This is a book to be read, treasured and shared, for anyone who wants life served with a side of delight.

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