Paths Not Taken

Nightside #5

Private eye John Taylor must travel back in time to stop his mother destroying the Nightside, the secret heart of London. Things are about to get complicated . . .John Taylor is a private detective with a supernatural gift - he can find what is lost. But sometimes that gets him in trouble . . . During his last case, he made the most dangerous of discoveries: his mother's true identity. Even worse she created his home - the twisted, noir playground known as the Nightside - and she has the power and the will to destroy it.Taylor must find a way to stop his mother; he's convinced that the answer lies deep in the past, in the days of the Nightside's creation, so that's exactly where he's headed. But travelling through time is a dangerous business, and the past can be a deadly place.Paths Not Taken is the fifth title in Simon R. Green's New York Times bestselling Nightside series.

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