Betrayal In Death

In Death #12

New York Lieutenant Eve Dallas is up against a hit-man for the elite, whose next target may be her own husband, Roarke.

Booko found 63 book editions

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Oct, 2020

Feb, 2019

Feb, 2018
New: $36.75

Feb, 2018

Feb, 2017

Feb, 2017
New: $41.77

Used: $138.11
Mar, 2014

Dec, 2013

Apr, 2012

Used: $29.05
Oct, 2011
New: $74.93

Jul, 2010
New: $16.03

Oct, 2009

Jul, 2009

Feb, 2009

Jan, 2009
New: $99.81

Used: $74.77
Apr, 2008

May, 2007

May, 2007
New: $128.49

May, 2007

May, 2007

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